Dr. Isaac Newton Kinity, a respected voice in Kenyan politics, has sounded the alarm about what he sees as the coming storm against the Kikuyu community.

His concerns stem from the potential impeachment of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, an act he views as the beginning of a well-orchestrated plan by President William Ruto to punish and dismantle the Kikuyu people.

During the 2022 presidential campaigns, Kinity claimed to have foreseen this situation. He states that he warned the Kikuyu community against voting for William Ruto, citing Ruto’s alleged vow to “torture and massacre” Kikuyus once in power.

According to Kinity, despite his warnings, some Kikuyu Christian leaders endorsed Ruto’s candidacy, misleading their followers in the process. Now, with Gachagua’s political future in jeopardy, Kinity believes the community faces real danger.

Kinity’s accusations against Ruto are chilling, particularly his recollection of a 2020 speech in which the President reportedly told his Kalenjin audience that their hatred for the Kikuyu people ran deeper than any other community’s and that only through gaining political power could this be addressed. Kinity interprets these words as a blueprint for Ruto’s actions since coming to power — actions that he believes are aimed at crippling the Kikuyu community by first dismantling its political and social structures.

Drawing parallels between the current situation and historical moments of political repression, Kinity fears that Gachagua’s impeachment could mirror the fates of other Kikuyu leaders like Kenneth Matiba and Charles Rubia, who were subjected to torture and mistreatment. He even goes so far as to suggest that Gachagua could be poisoned, invoking a painful chapter in Kenyan history when political opponents were silenced through violence.

Kinity’s warnings extend beyond Gachagua’s fate. He questions whether Chief Justice Martha Koome could be next in line for removal, or even assassination, as part of what he sees as Ruto’s larger scheme to weaken the Kikuyu community. He evokes the tragic killings of figures like Jacob Juma and Chris Msando, implying that Koome and others may face similar ends.

The possibility of a targeted campaign against the Kikuyu people, Kinity argues, could culminate in atrocities on a scale not seen since the Holocaust. While such comparisons are bound to be controversial, Kinity insists that the international community — especially the United States and Britain — should take his warnings seriously. He recalls how global powers turned a blind eye during the 1992 and 2008 post-election violence, both of which saw the Kikuyu community suffer.

Despite the heavy accusations, Kinity is careful to point out that his warnings are not aimed at the Kalenjin people as a whole. In fact, he notes that he has lived among them and found them to be a peaceful and hospitable community.

The real issue, he asserts, lies with political leaders who use their communities as pawns in their pursuit of power. He points to former President Daniel arap Moi as an example, accusing him of fostering ethnic conflict for personal political gain.

Kinity’s plea is clear: Kenyans must be vigilant in rejecting leaders who seek to divide the nation along ethnic lines. He condemns corruption and self-interest among the political elite, warning that the consequences of such leadership could be disastrous for the country as a whole.

As the potential impeachment of Gachagua looms, Kinity urges the Kikuyu community, both in Kenya and abroad, to be prepared for what he believes is an inevitable confrontation.

He draws inspiration from the Mau Mau fighters who fought for Kenya’s independence, calling on the community to resist any efforts to oppress them, even if it means taking up arms once again.



Wakajuaness is a renowned Kenyan Blogger known for his credibility, accuracy and well-researched investigative pieces that have earned him massive online command.

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