The eleventh Webuye MTM Rugby tournament will this December, return to action after two years of absence following the Covid pandemic.
The annual tournament will kick off on the boxing day at Webuye D.E.B Primary School for three days.
According to the organizers, preparations are in the final stages to esnure the shown is successiful and bigger than previous editions.
“We are doing our final touches ahead of the tournament whic starts with the juniors on December 26th followed by seniors on December 27th and 28th, 2021,” affirmed Jeff ‘Bingi” Khaoya, the team leader of the oganisers.
The Webuye MTM 10’s was founded in 2010 with eight teams participating where Ndalu Rugby won the inaugural title. Since the, the tournament has attracted huge fanbase from across the country, making it one of the best community tournaments in the Kenyan rugby world.

Humphrey Kayange, the World of Rugby Hall of Fame inductee, has been a notable guest on several occasions and is expected to lead several other rugby legends in gracingthe eleventh edition.
Some of the star players the tournament has produced include:
Dan Sikuta – Kabras Sugar Rugby and currently Kenya 7’s captain.
Frank Wanyama- Kenya Herlquins and Kenya 7’s
Sakari Juma – Kenya Simba and Mwamba Rugby
Emanuel Silungi- KCB Rugby and Kenya Simba
Felix Wamocho – Kenya u20 and MMUST Rugby
Brian Songoi – Kenya under 20 Black Blad Rugby
Simon Muniafu – Kenya Simba and,
Steve Muniafu – Vodafone Bulls Pretoria, South Africa.

The past editions have received support from local stakeholders including Julio of Cruz Lounge, Lawyer Amos Makokha’s family which bankrolled the 2012 edition, local leaders led by Paul Wanyonyi and Steve Kaiser of Siilk Lounge and Kelly Walubengo of Half London among others.
Webuye Rugby club will also hold a special memorial match for Wazees vs Vijana in honour of their fallen legend Moha Fwamba who perished in a road accident in 2020. A special corner will be preserved at the venue where fans and supporters will be able to pay respect through purchasing of branded merchandise in memory of the late who was a long serving player to to the club till his demise.

Individuals and corporates are also encouraged to our support the tournament whether in cash or in kind in the following categories:
- Gold – Ksh100,000
– A dedicated tent to advertise and sell one’s goods and services at the event.
– Banner placement at the pitchside throughout the event.
– Award the winners of different categories at the award ceremony and your banners in the background.
– Regular announcements of services or products throughout the event .
– Logo on the main event poster and promotional materials.
– VIP reservation of 10 seats and two tables. - Silver Partner Ksh50,000
– Shared tent at the venue to advertise and sell goods and services at the venue.
– 4 banners at the pitch side
– Regular announcements throughout the event of your goods or services.
– Award ceremony of the junior rugby categories.
– VIP tent reservation of 5 seats and a table.
- Bronze Partner Sh25,000
- Shared tent for product placement and advertising.
- 2 pitch side banners
- Regular announcement throughout the event.
FIndividuals are encouraged to send in support . All contributions can be channelled through
Account : 1138010391
Name : your name

Here is a list of past winners:
2010 Ndalu RUGBY
2011 Ndalu RUGBY
2012 Bungoma Select RUGBY
2013 Webuye RFC
2014 Webuye RFC
2015 Webuye RFC
2016 Lugulu Rugby
2017 Lugulu Rugby
2018 Lugulu Rugby
2019 Bukembe Rugby
2020 cancelled
2021 ?