Communications Authority Director in charge of Human Resource, Mr. Kiprono Kandie. PHOTO/CA

As the cleanup in the Communications Authority involving edging out crooked officials, it’s now emerging that one of the Directors has been interdicted.

Mr. Juma Kandie, whom reports accused of faking his age to prolonged his stay as the Director in charge of Human Resource at the Communications Authority, is reportedly appealing to be exempted from servicing his existing loans following his interdiction – which is against the law.

This is after his alleged attempt to reverse his age by two years in order to fit within the retirement parameters hit a Berlin wall.

Mr. Juma Kiprono Kandie was recently on the spot for allegedly lying about his age to avoid early retirement from the Communications Authority.

A source privy to this development and not allowed to speak to the media on the same, told this writer that the board has interdicted the director once these allegations are approved.

In a story published by this writer some months ago, the allegations, if proved, would have seen the taxpayer lose millions of shillings to ‘illegal payments’ that would have been channelled for his enumeration.

The story might have sent some figures into panic mode as it’s now alleged how the said officer is trying to use alternative means to find his way back.

Having come from a same region from senior government officials, it’s reported that the officer has been using all means and connections within his reach to retain his position and put the issue of retirement age behind him, for once.

The officer was reportedly given a suspension leave immediately after our exposé.

The mandatory age of retirement in Kenya is sixty years, which he attained on 12/12/2022, having been born on 12/12/1962.

A look at copies of his original national Identification Document (ID) number 4897578 and whose serial number is 201816232 shows Mr. Kandie will turn 63 years this December.

It’s was also leaked that the said Director was planning to swear an affidavit to allege that he was born in 1964 in order to reap government salaries for another two years.

It has now emerged that Mr. Kandie has used his recent leave to find his way into the registrar department to acquire a different birth certificate to qualify his required age to continue staying in the office.

Sources that requested for anonymity have said that the officer was ruling with iron fist and high handedness, reason the employees were silently celebrating his exit.

Any criminal acts that entails lying about one’s real age in order to defraud the government, is punishable by law.


Wakajuaness is a renowned Kenyan Blogger known for his credibility, accuracy and well-researched investigative pieces that have earned him massive online command.

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