Bungoma Governor Wycliffe Wafula Wangamati returned to Sulwe FM where he took time to deconstruct Senate Speaker Kenneth Lusaka’s allegations that he has done nothing since taking over the County reigns in 2017.
Governor Wangamati highlighted his achievement since taking over from Lusaka as well as challenges that he has encountered and how plans to fix them.
In the one hour interview, Wangamati exposed Mr. Lusaka, terming him as a “shameless desperate liar” who is keen on taking credit for projects he knows nothing about.
A week ago, Lusaka tore into Wangamati’s way of leadership, accusing him of mishandling the projects he had initiated before handing power to the new regime.
Lusaka had punched holes in Wangamati’s handling of casual workers and the County Askaris, saying photos that have circulated on the internet showing Wangamati inspecting the officers wearing sandals while parading a guard of honour were shameless.
In his defense, Wangamati stated that he had just stepped in the office barely two month when he was requested to inspect the GoH but when he asked why they were in sandals with no uniform, they told him that the former Governor had left them without anything.
“As you can see, those photos were posted in August just after I had stepped into office, meaning that Lusaka had done nothing for these young men and women during the entire of his five years,” stated Wangamati.
“But despite Lusaka leaving them un such dilapidating conditions, I ensured the officers have better dress code within seven months. So who is fooling who?’
7 months later, we have a new unit. pic.twitter.com/2uRdxw7Arv
— WYCLIFFE W WANGAMATI (@GovWWangamati) May 4, 2018
Wangamati added that each of the 400 Enforcement Officers have three pairs of uniforms that include a beret, shirt, trouser, boots, socks and sweater. Two pairs are regular army green uniforms and one pair of ceremonial uniform in white and navy blue.
“We should not forget that when Lusaka recruited these officers, he never trained nor dressed them until I came into office. The Officers walked in the streets in sandals, slippers and tattered clothes. Today, we have the best-dressed officers perhaps only second to Machakos and Kakamega Counties.
Wangamati also poured cold water on Lusaka’s claims that all the new flagship projects are in one ward instead of spreading them across the County.
“We initiate these projects according to the need. The 300-bed capacity maternity wing is applicable at the Bungoma County referral because you can not take such a project to Kabuchai where there’s less traffic. The Dual Carriageway is also initiated in Bungoma town because this is where there’s an annoying traffic jam. You can’t take the Dual carriageway to Sirisia,” Wangamati continued.
“On the issue of spreading projects across the County, I have even initiated more projects in Kimilili where the Speaker comes from than what he did. He has not talked about the Kimilili modern market which is the largest in this region. Let him be genuine.”
Wangamati also threw a ‘jibe’ at Lusaka, saying he cannot ignore the outlook of Bungoma town which is the biggest attraction to investors like Lusaka did by literally setting up an office at a lodging in Webuye.
‘When Lusaka was Governor for Bungoma, he set up an office at a lodging in Webuye. My office is in Bungoma town which is the Head Quarters,” Wangamati claimed in a statement that has been met with strong criticism from the Lusaka camp.
During Lusaka’s interview, the Senate boss accused Wangamati of riding on his projects and ignored some, among them, the Dual Carriageway and the Scholarship programme.
However, Wangamati disputed the claims, saying Lusaka wants to ride on projects he has no idea about.
On the unfinished projects, Wangamati defended himself saying there has been a financial hitch across the country especially with the Covid-19 pandemic which crippled many operations as well as court battles from his opponents.
He also stated that Lusaka had already confessed that he left some projects unattended to, asking why the former Bungoma Governor is so keen on this term’s unfinished projects.
The rivalry between the two continues to escalate as the race to re-capture the Bungoma gubernatorial race intensifies.
Wangamati, who replaced Lusaka in 2017 on Ford Kenya ticket, is seeking to retain his seat but on the newly-launched Democratic Action Party of Kenya (DAP-K) led by Defense Cabinet Secretary Eugene Wamalwa.
On the other side, Lusaka, who sold his New Ford Kenya party to Jubilee when he was working with Eugene, is tipped to vie on Bungoma Senator Moses Wetang’ula’s Ford Kenya ticket despite doubts from a section of political analysts.
Wetang’ula has already endorsed Deputy President William Ruto for the President on UDA ticket, whose party symbol is a wheelbarrow. Lusaka’ regime was characterized by the controversial purchase of 10 wheelbarrows each at Ksh0.1 million, something that Lusaka may avoid re-associating himself with when it comes to the wheelbarrow factor.