UDA Secretary-General Hon. Cleophas Malala during a church fundraiser in Mt Elgon on Sunday 24th September, 2023. PHOTO/COURTESY

In a bid to provide clarity on the United Democratic Alliance’s (UDA) stance on the proposed presidential term limit, UDA Secretary-General Cleophas Malala has moved to distance the party from the contentious issue.

The issue of introducing a presidential term limit has been a topic of national discourse, with various political players expressing divergent views on the matter.

Nandi Senator Samson Cherargei had proposed to have the presidential term limit extended from the current five years to seven years.

However, Malala, in a statement issued by Malala on Monday emphasized that UDA’s position should not be misconstrued.

“UDA wishes to clarify its stance on the proposed presidential term limit, as there may be misunderstandings regarding our party’s position,” said Mr. Malala.

He went on to stress that UDA, as a party, respects the democratic process and believes in the principles of inclusivity and constitutionalism. Therefore, any discussions or decisions related to the presidential term limit should be made through proper constitutional channels.

“Our party, United Democratic Alliance, stands for democratic principles and upholding our constitution. Any debate or decision regarding the presidential term limit should be conducted within the framework of our constitution, following established procedures,” Malala affirmed.

Malala’s statement comes at a time when the issue of presidential term limits has been a subject of intense debate within the political landscape.

Various proposals and opinions have been put forth, sparking discussions about the potential impact on Kenya’s governance structure.

He further emphasized that UDA is committed to participating constructively in discussions on constitutional matters but firmly believes that such discussions should be conducted transparently and within the bounds of the constitution.

As the nation grapples with this critical issue, it remains to be seen how other political parties and stakeholders will navigate the complex terrain of constitutional amendments.

For UDA, clarity on its position underscores the party’s commitment to democratic processes and constitutional adherence while actively participating in shaping Kenya’s political future.



Wakajuaness is a renowned Kenyan Blogger known for his credibility, accuracy and well-researched investigative pieces that have earned him massive online command.

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